Engagements Sabatini Ferdinand Engagements Sabatini Ferdinand

This session is one of my favorites from this past year and once you take a peek at these amazing colors I think you’ll agree :)

Brenda + Evan

Brenda and Evan - these two are the sweetest in all the land. So humble, kind, loving and gentle with each other, if ever there were two humans built for each other, it’s them. Cannot wait for their big day in a couple months and will be sure to share allll about it on these pages :)



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Family Sabatini Ferdinand Family Sabatini Ferdinand

Kolacinski Family

It had been approximately a million years since I’d seen Jessie and Zack at their wedding, but my oh my what a joy! With baby #3 on her way, we had a fun, golden morning session in this beautiful canyon. Sweet baby bump, blond babies running amok and giggles for days, we all had such a blast! What a perfect reunion!


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